Frequently Asked Questions

Below you’ll find answers to some of the most frequently asked questions. We are constantly adding most asked question to this page so if you have a question and don’t see your answer, don’t hesitate to email us at info@rockies24.com

Yes, team captains can purchase a team at any time, even if all team members have not yet been confirmed. Afterward, all individual team members, including the team captain, can fill out their personal information separately.

Register your team here.

Fill out your rider information here. Must be completed by all team members, including the team captain.

Canmore Nordic Centre is at 1,400 m, the mountain climate is cooler.

Day time highs between 18 – 24°C (64-75 °F)
Night time lows between 8- 13 °C(46-55 °F).
There’s also a potential for rain and high winds.

Check out Canmore on Environment Canada for the latest weather

No refunds. Riders can be substituted for a $20 admin fee.

Absolutely! After a number of request for folks wanting riders for their team and riders looking for teams, we created a riders forum so that riders can connect with each other.

You can also connect with other riders in your local area in local mountain bike communities through Facebook as well.


  • No reservations for camping/tenting are required.
  • Tenting is on a first-come-first serve basis. Be sure to arrive early to get your ideal spot.
  • Due to limited parking, only one RV and one vehicle per 4-5 person team is allowed onsite. Corporate teams are allowed one RV and two vehicles. We ask that all other vehicles be left in town.
  • RVs are allowed for Teams only. We have a capacity of 60 RV spaces available on a first-come-first-serve basis atregistration.
  • RVs can run generators, however, quiet time will be enforced and generators will have to be turned off between 10pm – 7 am
  • 24 hour solo riders are allowed one 10 x 10′ non-powered area on course in the stadium and 1 vehicle parked in the parking lot.
  • If you are unloading with multiple vehicles on Friday we will only allow 1 vehicle from a team onsite at a time. Vehicles will need to hand in their pass at the front gate and the next team vehicle will need to pick it up. If your are bringing a motorhome that is considered one vehicle.
  • Parking on Spray Lakes road is prohibited. Vehicles parked on Spray Lakes road are subject to ticketing and towing.

More details to come!

Yes, however it is recommended you show up on Friday to pick up your race package, set up your area, and pre-ride the course. Check out the event schedule for race package pick up times.

Not at all. Corporate team can be co-workers, a large group of friends, and/or family.

Yes you can enter the 5 person team category if you have 4 riders. This will add to the challenge as you will have less rest. 4-5 person category pricing is the same.

Canmore Nordic Centre elevation is at 1,400m.  The mountain climate is generally cooler. Day time highs between 18 – 23 °C (64-73 °F)
Night time lows between 8-13 °C(46-55 °F).
There’s also a potential for high winds and rain.

Things to bring:

  • warm cycling apparel: extra socks, shorts, gloves, jersey, arm warmers, knee warmers, rain jacket, neck warmer, and toque
  • equipment: tubes, pump, chain lube, head lamp, bike lights, bear spray

Absolutely! It’s very important to have working lights on course for your safety. Make sure front and rear lights are in good working order. It’s also good to know approximate burn times of your  lights so you can change/charge your lights at the appropriate times.

No, only teams must provide 1 volunteer to do a 3 hour shift during the race. Alternatively, teams can opt out of this requirement for an additional $100 fee.

Duties may include, assisting in the timing tent, traffic control, clean up, or helping out at the aid station on course.

The course is geared for all levels of riders. As long as you have done some trail riding in the past you should be good to go. If you’re unsure about the terrain and your ability to ride it you can check out the course before the race if you are in the area. There’s also plenty of passing opportunities for faster riders.

Yes, the course is fast and flowy, ideal for single speeding!

If we have enough interest with single speeders we’ll create a new category.

Nope, only human powered bikes allowed. Check out our rules.

Cornerstone Catering Cafe will be open until 9 am – 5:30 pm.
They’ll be serving breakfast sandwiches, coffee, burgers and beer.

During the race there will be one aid station on course.

Bear spray is mandatory during the race. You must have it on you while on course. We will be checking for bear spray at the start/finish area prior to your start.

Please watch this video on how to use bear spray:


Yes, for safety and liability issues, helmets are mandatory.

The course is 13.4 km long – check out the course details

If you have a 4 person team add the average age as the team to get the total.

Example:   Person 1 (age 34) +Person 2 (age 29) +Person 3 ( age 38) + Person 4 (age 25) = 126/4 = avg age is 32.

Add ages of team members including average age: 34+29+38+25+32 = 158 

Open category is less than 200, 200 & over is Masters.

If we get 10 or more entrants, we will add additional categories as appropriate.
For example if we get enough 60+ age entrants we’ll add a Super masters category.

If there’s a fire in the area the race may be cancelled due to personal and health risks and your registration will roll over into next year.