
Team Volunteers

Each team is required to have one volunteer to cover a 3 hour shift. Alternatively, teams can opt out of this requirement for an additional $100 fee.

The volunteer registration form will be up and running to register your team’s volunteer closer to the race date.

If you’re not a part of the race but want to lend a hand – email us prior to signing up.

Volunteer meeting will take place at 11:20 am on Saturday July 27 following the rider meeting.

Volunteer duties include

  • One aid station is on course located in the biathlon area. It will be manned 24 hours throughout the race.
  • Race package pickup (Friday / Saturday)
  • Course setup/take down.
  • Race day traffic management.
  • Garbage pick up.
  • Timing tent assistance.
  • Provide support for riders if they are injured by calling emergency number, provide first aid if you have certification, get riders to safety.
  • Provide mechanical assistance (if you are capable of helping).
  • Provide food and beverages to riders on course (food will be supplied by organizers).
  • Keep stoke at maximum levels and add more cowbell!!